Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend!

  I finished off a 3 pound turkey roast and a bowl of pasta on Thanksgiving day. I feel so fat   :I

  Black Friday was fun too. Like week ago If you suggest that I'd make a (really) early drive to best buy to pick up a ps3 I would tell you you're mad bonkers... but I did go! It was crazy and below freezing but I made it back alive and feeling hella accomplished xD

  My psn in Zigstripes, and I'll friend you back, I promise!

  Saturday and Sunday consisted mostly of studying and cooking pasta. Gnarly, no?

=In other news=

Sketches been piling up so here's something you might or might not have seen.
 Animal masks!
more sketches.

Also I was watching the Philadelphia Dog Show on Thanksgiving day and I discovered my new favorite dog breed..

 Icelandic Sheepdogs! I love herding breeds.

Quarter's almost done! I'm looking forward to next Thursday x]