Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer wars!

Guess what I went to!
Those aren't like, all kiddy films though. I promise!

  I also got their film calendar, and apparently they're showing an animated dog movie in October that I've never heard of, so I'm all stoked.
  But the centerpiece of the day was of course, Summer Wars the movie! (Apart from walking all the way up Montgomery st. again and all the way up the Coit tower.) It was a mind-blowing experience, and to those who haven't seen it, I totally recommend y'all go see it. The amount of detail was crazy, and although there were parts that were incredibly silly, it didn't blow the plot off-course at all. Kudos to the studio for capturing the emotions so well, it rocks you to the very core, I'm pretty sure I heard people all around me sniffing in tears too.

 Now to avoid TL;DR, here's something I drew on the ballot sheet I got while waiting for the movie to start.
I can't help it. xD

By the wayy.

The Sketchbook Project: 2011
I got my sketchbook today!

Friday, September 24, 2010


A few storyboards I'm working on: Some are just rough sketches so pardon the crappyness.

One of the pages in my sci-fi flash animation personal project

Here's a rough sketch of the port side of the starliner E.S.V Kalahari

Now to something totally unrelated, this is for the experimental cartoon intro for my webcomic. It's pretty rough though!
Beach scene! This looks way messy. I do have a cleaned up page with me, but it has too many spoilers xD

Have a good weekend guys!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Navada Panoramas,.. and Montgomery Street.

Nevada was great! I took a few pictures with my phone, the quality wasn't the best, but Woohoo! Look at these.

Also I dug out an old sketch I did of San Francisco referenced from Google Streetview. I finally got to visit the place in person, though the exact spot was blocked by trees so i couldn't take a picture of the view from there..

Then there's the Lombard Street tourist trap xD

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Heyhey guys! This is my first post here, but I really have no clue what to put on here xD. So have a look at the part of my room that doesn't look like a dumpster!

This desk, lol. That's my tablet PC to the left!  And yes! That's the FA Banner concept sketch thing there on my clipboard!

And I love my lava lamp Oh gosh.

Now to see things from a bigger picture (Hahaha literally)

The other side of my room! Haha, I know what you guys are thinking, this looks so much like a girl's room from this view. That bear was something I found on moving day that someone tossed out with a ton of perfectly clean and fine stuff. BUT!! The main purpose of this picture is to show off my Bolt poster xDDD. Also note the super awesome keyboard.

And here is my puny backyard.

Btw I wanna show you guys what I found at Target the other day!


I'm annoying.