Saturday, September 18, 2010


Heyhey guys! This is my first post here, but I really have no clue what to put on here xD. So have a look at the part of my room that doesn't look like a dumpster!

This desk, lol. That's my tablet PC to the left!  And yes! That's the FA Banner concept sketch thing there on my clipboard!

And I love my lava lamp Oh gosh.

Now to see things from a bigger picture (Hahaha literally)

The other side of my room! Haha, I know what you guys are thinking, this looks so much like a girl's room from this view. That bear was something I found on moving day that someone tossed out with a ton of perfectly clean and fine stuff. BUT!! The main purpose of this picture is to show off my Bolt poster xDDD. Also note the super awesome keyboard.

And here is my puny backyard.

Btw I wanna show you guys what I found at Target the other day!


I'm annoying.

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